@article{oai:mue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001467, author = {中地, 文 and 大木, 葉子}, journal = {宮城教育大学紀要, BULLETIN OF MIYAGI UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION}, month = {Jan}, note = {日本の現代児童文学作家宮川ひろは、代表作『春駒のうた』刊行以前に、同じ題材での試作を繰り返したと語っている。今回、『春駒のうた』につながる最初期の作品とみられる未発表作品「春駒」の原稿を確認する機会を得た。これは、宮川ひろのご子息宮川健郎氏が保管しているものである。本稿では、未発表作品「春駒」について、宮川ひろ自身の発言と現存稿の状態とを確認したうえで、原稿全133枚中66枚目まで(作品第二章まで)の本文紹介を行うとともに、推敲過程を明らかにした。, MIYAKAWA Hiro, a contemporary Japanese children's literature writer, said that before the publication of her masterpiece Harukoma no Uta, she had repeatedly written on the same subject. This time, I had the opportunity to check the manuscript of“Harukoma,” an unpublished work that is believed to be the first work leading to Harukoma no Uta. This manuscript is in the custody of Mr.MIYAKAWA Takeo, son of MIYAKAWA Hiro. In this paper, after confirming what MIYAKAWA Hiro said about “Harukoma” and the condition of the existing manuscript, I have transcribed the text of the first 66 pages (up to the second chapter of the work) out of 133 pages, and clarified the process of revision.}, pages = {446--424}, title = {宮川ひろの未発表作品「春駒」について― 解題と本文紹介(一)―}, volume = {56}, year = {2022} }