@article{oai:mue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001562, author = {田中, 良英}, journal = {宮城教育大学紀要, BULLETIN OF MIYAGI UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION}, month = {Mar}, note = {ロシア国家の領域はとりわけ17世紀後半以降、大きく変化してきており、その「軍事ハウスホールド」の出自も一様ではない。本稿ではそうしたロシアの軍事ハウスホールドの多様性を確認するため、1721年にロシア帝国に併合された沿バルト地域のエリート、通称バルト=ドイツ人を分析対象とし、彼らと18世紀ロシア国家との関係性について、全体像の整理と個々人の具体的活動の調査とを通じ、解明を試みた。伝統的に自立性が強い現地の政治的・社会的状況は形式的にはロシア領となった後も変わることはなく、ロシア勤務が強制ではなかったこともあって、とりわけかつての支配者スウェーデン王国とのつながりを維持する家系・個人が依然多かった。そのため、少なくとも18世紀においては、ロシア勤務を選んだバルト=ドイツ人たちについても、民族集団的な性格は乏しかったように見える。ただし個々のバルト=ドイツ人エリートの中には、近衛連隊への所属を一因として急速に地位を高め、スウェーデンや他国とのつながりを活かしながら、ロシア帝国の発展にとって大きな貢献をなす者も存在した。また、時間的経過とともにロシアの国際的なプレゼンスが高まるにつれ、一族内の先行者を媒介として、ロシア官界に入るバルト=ドイツ人も増加傾向を示している。, As the territory of the Russian state has changed significantly, especially since the late 17th century, its "military households" have no uniform origin. In order to confirm the diversity of such military households in Russia, this paper analyzes the elites of the Baltic regions annexed by the Russian Empire in 1721, commonly known as Baltic Germans, and attempts to elucidate the relationship between them and the Russian Empire in the 18th century by showing their overall tendency and investigating the specific activities of individual officers. The political and social conditions of the traditionally autonomous region did not change even after it became Russian territory, and partly because it was not compulsory to work in Russia, there were still many families and individuals who maintained ties especially to the Kingdom of Sweden, their former ruler. Therefore, at least in the 18th century, the Baltic Germans who chose to serve Russia seem to have lacked ethnic group character. However, some individual Baltic German elites rapidly rose in status due in part to their affiliation with the Imperial Guard Regiments, and made a significant contribution to the development of the Russian Empire while often taking advantage of their ties with Sweden or other countries. In addition, as Russia's international presence increased over time, the number of Baltic Germans, using predecessors in the family as a foothold to enter the Russian army and government, also showed an increasing trend.}, pages = {67--86}, title = {18世紀ロシア軍事ハウスホールドとしてのバルト=ドイツ人の機能}, volume = {57}, year = {2023} }