@article{oai:mue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001565, author = {松崎, 丈}, journal = {宮城教育大学紀要, BULLETIN OF MIYAGI UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究では、ろう重複障害教育担当教員における実践的見識を明らかにすることを目的に、ろう重複障害のある子どもたちに対する教育実践を20年以上経験した教員3名にインタビュー調査を行った。質的データ分析の結果、8件の概念的カテゴリー(ろう重複障害教育の孤立無援化、長期化している構造的な諸問題、ろう重複障害教育担当教員同士で同僚性を形成、家族と協働でろう重複障害児のキャリア教育を考える、コミュニケーションの実践的見識の蓄積、専門家が導入するオンサイト研修、ろう重複障害児とのコミュニケーション実践の質的向上、同僚性に基づいた研修や環境の変革)が生成された。これら概念的カテゴリー同士の関係から、今後のろう重複障害教育において個々の教員の実践的見識を形成するために必要と考えられる事柄を考察した。, The purpose of this study is to clarify how teachers of deaf children with multiple disabilities develop practical wisdom. The interview participants is three teachers in school for the deaf with over 20 years of experience in teaching such children. Data obtained from interviews were analyzed using a qualitative data analysis method. The analysis generated eight categories: Isolated and helpless on education for deaf children with multiple disabilities; Protracted structural problems; Forming collegiality among teachers; Considering career education for deaf children with multiple disabilities in collaboration with their families; Accumulating practical wisdom on communication; On-site training conducted by experts; Qualitative improvements in communication with deaf children having multiple disabilities; and Transforming training and educational environment based on collegiality. From the relationship between these categories, these findings indicate how to develop practical wisdom for the future education of deaf children with multiple disabilities and how to improve conditions for supporting practical wisdom.}, pages = {111--124}, title = {ろう重複障害教育担当教員の実践的見識 : 聴覚支援学校で20年以上の経験を持つ教員のインタビューから}, volume = {57}, year = {2023} }