@article{oai:mue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001566, author = {吉村, 敏之}, journal = {宮城教育大学紀要, BULLETIN OF MIYAGI UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION}, month = {Mar}, note = {高橋金三郎は、宮城教育大学において、林竹二学長のもとで、斎藤喜博とともに、子どもの可能性を引き出す授業を創る「教授学」を推進した。専門は理科教育であったが、小学校教員と授業研究を行ううち、他の教科にも範囲を広げた。とりわけ、高橋からみれば「奇妙な常識」がはびこる、国語での文学教育について、自ら授業を行い、子どもが作品自体を楽しく読み味わえるようにする提案をした。高橋と同郷の宮沢賢治の作品については、賢治の人生や思想と結びつけて読みがちな傾向を批判し、文章や語句をていねいにとらえ、作品の世界に入る授業を求めた。文学教育のあり方が問われる今日、高橋の提案は指針となる。, At Miyagi University of Education, TAKAHASHI Kinzaburo, under President HAYASHI Takeji, together with SAITO Kihaku, promoted "didactic studies" to create lessons that bring out the potential of children. His specialty was science education, but while conducting lesson studies with elementary school teachers, he expanded his scope to other subjects. In particular, TAKAHASHI proposed that he teach literature education in the Japanese language, which is rampant with "strange common sense," so that children could read and enjoy the works themselves. Regarding the works of MIYAZAWA Kenji, he criticized the tendency to link them to Kenji's life and thoughts, and asked for a lesson that carefully grasps sentences and phrases and enters the world of the works. TAKAHASHI paid atlention to Kenji's sense of language and humor. Today, when the state of literary education is being questioned, TAKAHASHI's proposal serves as a important guideline.}, pages = {125--136}, title = {高橋金三郎が求めた文学の授業 : 宮沢賢治の作品を楽しむ}, volume = {57}, year = {2023} }