@article{oai:mue.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000048, author = {兒玉, 尚子}, journal = {宮城教育大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {重度肢体不自由者の特別支援学校卒業後の生活に関して特別支援学校在籍中に行うべきキャリア教育の内容を明らかにすることを目的とし、重度肢体不自由者の保護者8名を対象に質問紙調査を行った。カテゴリー分析の結果、生活上の困難さとして、日中の生活介護事業所等での生活において、【スタッフとの意思疎通の困難さ】等が認められた。保護者はそれらに対応するために、特別支援学校在籍中に、【多くの人とかかわる経験】をし、【自己表現する方法を身につける】ことで他者とのコミュニケーションを楽しむ力を育むことを求めていた。他者とかかわる経験の充実により、新たな環境への適応や、安定した対人関係の構築に繋がることが示唆された。教育では、障害特性に応じた支援ツールの活用が求められる。保護者は、【卒業後のサポート資源の情報共有】を求めていることから、早期から将来かかわる可能性のある関係機関と保護者の連携を図る機会設定の必要性が明らかとなった。, The purpose of this study was to examine the career education content provided in Japanese special needs schools, focusing on preparing students with severe orthopedic impairments for life after graduation. A questionnaire survey was conducted among eight parents of children with severe orthopedic impairments. The interview results were subjected to category analysis, revealing aspects of life at daycare facilities. One notable category was “challenges in communicating with staff.” To address this issue, parents hope that while attending special needs schools, their children will acquire the ability to enjoy communication by “engaging in extensive interpersonal interactions” and “developing self-expression skills.” The findings suggest that gaining experience in interaction helps students adapt to new environments and establish stable relationships. Schools should employ support tools specifically designed for students with special needs. Considering parents’ expectations for the “sharing of information regarding post-graduation support resources,” it is crucial to offer opportunities, from an early stage, for collaboration between parents and the organizations their children might engage with in the future.}, pages = {53--65}, title = {重度肢体不自由者の社会生活と自立に必要な内容の検討 ―保護者を対象とした調査から―}, volume = {58}, year = {2024} }