@article{oai:mue.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000056, author = {亀井, 文 and 片平, 優菜}, journal = {宮城教育大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {難消化性でんぷんであるレジスタントスタ-チ(RS)は、食物繊維と同様の栄養生理機能を有し、腸内の健康に寄与することが明らかになってきている。日本ではあまり馴染みのなかったひよこ豆は、近年ではサラダやス-プとして食されることも多い。ひよこ豆は乾燥豆として炭水化物量およびタンパク質量は100g中61.5gと20.0gであり、乾燥小豆の59.6gと20.8gと主要成分量が類似している。そこで、ひよこ豆餡の調製を試み、そのレジスタントスタ-チ量を調べることを目的とした。, Resistant starch (RS) escapes digestion until reaching colon and acts like dietary fiber. Recently, many researchers suggest taking this new type of dietary fiber for our health benefits. Recently, chickpea began to spread Japanese diet using as soup or salad. Chickpea are a good source of carbohydrate as well as adzuki beans, because they are starchy pulse. The purpose of this study was to establish making chickpea bean paste and investigate the amount of RS of chickpea bean paste. After soaking 24hours in deionized water, chickpea were boiled 40, 70, 100 minutes with 2L of water. These were grinded and strained through a sieve in order to remove husk and put into cheesecloth. Then, 6kg of stone was placed on the cheesecloth for 1 hour to dehydrate to make bean paste. Each boiling treatment of bean paste was analyzed RS contents. RS contents of chick bean paste of 40, 70, 100 minutes cooking time were 4.3%、10.2%、4.1%, respectively. Because of RS amount of 70minutes cooking time were large variation, RS amount of three cooking time were not significantly different. However, RS amount of these cooking time were similar to those of adzuki bean paste and taking as chick bean paste would be beneficial for our health.}, pages = {175--180}, title = {ひよこ豆餡調製の試みとレジスタントスタ-チ量について}, volume = {58}, year = {2024} }