@article{oai:mue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000030, author = {水谷, 好成 and 岩本, 正敏}, journal = {宮城教育大学紀要}, month = {}, note = {P(論文), Many mechanical Karakuri-dolls were made in the Edo Period. Their mechanical movements are very interesting for children. A tea-serving doll is one of famous Karakuri-dolls. Similar tea-serving robots can be made easily by robot control technology. We have designed the tea-serving robots using educational robot 'BontenMaru'. The robots have a micro-switch or a lead switch for an input port of their computer to detect a tea cup. These robots have made in the class of junior high school and in the workshop of science museum. Making of an original tea-serving robot gave a good creative experience to students and children.}, pages = {209--216}, title = {梵天丸を改造したお茶運びロボットの製作と技術教育への活用}, volume = {40}, year = {2005}, yomi = {ミズタニ, ヨシナリ and イワモト, マサトシ} }