@article{oai:mue.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000482, author = {瓜生, 等}, journal = {宮城教育大学紀要, Bulletin of Miyagi University of Education}, month = {Jan}, note = {I consider the graphs of the functions of a complex variable in this paper.  I cannot draw it directly, the functions from complex number to complex number. Because a thought method to look around the perspective from the part is necessary, high content will be found mathematically. If it can be visualized in a part easily, I become able to understand the total picture by putting them on top of one another in imagination. And this is regarded as typical mathematical activity. Therefore I decided to use an information appliance to be able to perform visualization instantly. I calculated the theoretical numerical value by C language and used drawing software Gnuplot with practice numerical value. We are dealing with fluid dynamics as a specific example.  I really report the contents which let a university student test it by a class here.}, pages = {83--97}, title = {複素関数を描く}, volume = {50}, year = {2016} }